Irish Privacy Watchdog slaps fine on Meta

In a recent case, the Irish Data Privacy Watchdog – Data Protection Commission has slapped a humongous fine of 265 Million-Euro fine for having breached the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR. This fine comes in addition to a fine of Euro 405 Million on Instagram, by the Irish Data Protection Committee for displaying contact details of teenagers’ between 13-17 of age.

This Euro 265 mn fine came as a result of an investigation that was started last year after observing multiple international media reports of consolidated data of as many as 533 million Facebook users available on the internet. As a result of the same and of its own volition, the DPC started an investigation in April 2021, as empowered by Article 110 of the Data Protection Act 2018. Intriguingly, the EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders and the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel were also a victim of the data leak, and their information, alongside many EU officials, was found available on the Internet.

Ultimately, it was opined by the Irish DPC that Meta had breached Article 25 of the General Data Protection Regulations. The Meta officials are considering challenging the decision now.

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