Report, Procedure, Chair and the functions of Chair under GDPR

In today’s article we will discuss the reports of the Board, Procedures that are to be followed by the Board, the chair of the Board and its functions. 

Reports of the Board

As per article 71 of the GDPR the Board must draw up an annual report about the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing in the Union and where relevant, in third countries and international organisations. The report of the Board must be made public and be transmitted to the European Parliament, to the council and to the commission. 

The annual report of the Board must include a review of a practical application of the guidelines, recommendation and practices as well as of the binding decisions referred under GDPR.

Procedure of the Board  

As per article 72 of the GDPR, the board must take care decisions by a simple majority of its members, unless otherwise provided for in GDPR. The Board must also adopt its own rules of procedure by a two-thirds majority of its members and organise its own operational management.

Chair of the Board

As per article 73 of the GDPR, the board is mandated to elect a chair and two deputy chairs from amongst its members by simple majority. The term of the office of the Chair and deputy chairs shall be of 5 years and be renewable once. 

Functions of Chair

As per article 74 of the GDPR, the chair shall have the following tasks-

  1. To convene the meetings of the Board and prepare its agenda;
  2. To notify the decisions adopted by the Board to the lead supervisory authority and the concerned supervisory authorities; 
  3. To ensure the timely performance of the tasks of the Board, in particular in relation to the consistency mechanism.

The board must lay down the allocation of tasks between the Chair and the deputy chairs in its rules of procedure. 

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