Article 16-Right to rectification

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In the previous article we reviewed the provisions relating to right of access by the data subject wherein the data subject can request the personal data provided to the data controller from the controller itself. However, it is possible that the data provided by the data controller is erroneous or not updated. 

In such cases, Article 16 comes to the rescue! Article 16 is as follows:

“The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.”

Once the data subject has accessed the data and is aware of the errors, it can request the data controller to rectify the errors without undue delay, to be more precise, within one month of putting in the request. 

Not only inaccurate data, but also incomplete data must be updated at all times. For instance, when we create an account for membership and due to some reason do not end up providing our email address. Later, the data controller can be informed about updating our email address so that we do not miss out on important promotional emails that it sends to all its customers. 

Article 16 might seem to be very brief but it is important from the viewpoint of processing of data because if the data controller is processing your incorrect data or is unaware of any changes to it, it is possible that the data subject might be deprived of information that is essential to its user experience.  

