Act Respecting The Protection of Personal Information In The Private Sector- Quebec

Under this division in order to exercise the powers conferred under the act a member of the Commission may act solely on behalf of the commission in order to exercise the conferred power. 

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Inspection (Division VII)

While performing the oversight functions, the commission may authorize members of it to act as an inspector. The person authorized to act as an inspector can- 

  1. Enter the establishment of a body or person subject to the oversight of the commission at any reasonable time.  
  2. Request to inspect any information or document. 
  3. Examine and make copies of such documents.

Duties and Protection to Inspector (Section 80.4)

  1. An inspector must on request identify himself produce a certificate of his authority.
  2. While performing or acting as an inspector, he must not be prosecuted for an act performed in good faith in the exercise of his/her duties.


The commission may on its own motion/initiative or on a complaint by an interested person, inquire itself or entrust somebody to inquire, any matter relating to the protection of personal information and also practice of a person who carries on an enterprise.    

After an Inquiry, Commission may, after, giving an opportunity to present an observation, the Commission may recommend or order the application of such remedial measures as appropriate in order to ensure the protection of personal information and to this Commission may fix the time limit for its implementation.  

S.88 of the act provides a timeline by which the Commission, on the application of the act and of division V.1 of chapter V of the professional code, has to report to the government, which is not later than 14th June 2011, and subsequently, every 5 years. 

The report to include audit finding and recommendation which the Auditor General considers appropriate to forward to the Commission and the Minister has to table the in the National Assembly within 15 days of receiving it and if assembly is not sitting then within 15 days of its resumption.