Act Respecting The Protection of Personal Information In The Private Sector- Quebec


A person interested may bring an appeal by way of an application from a final decision, if the question is a question of law or jurisdiction, or in case of interlocutory decision, with the leave of the court, which cannot be remedied by final decision.  

The application must refer to the question of law and jurisdiction. The application is to be filed before the Office of the Court of Quebec within 10 days after the receipt of decision of the Commission. If Application is granted the judgment serves as a notice of appeal then the notice of appeal is to be filed at the Office of the Court of Quebec within 30 days after the date when parties receive the final decision. 

The notice of appeal must be served on the parties and commission within 10 days after its filing at the Office of the court of Quebec (the act directs to see the Code of Civil Procedure for dealing the appeal). 

Section 69 makes it clear that the decision of the judge of the Court of Quebec is without appeal. 

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Personal Information Agents (Division VI)

Section 70 of the act mandates that the Personal Information Agent carrying on an enterprise in Quebec has to be registered with the Commission. 

The application to be filed accordinging to the procedure determined by the commision alongwith the prescribed fees and the details/information to be filled as asked by the  Commission and in future if any changes are made the agent must inform the Commission in case of change in the information.