Act Respecting The Protection of Personal Information In The Private Sector- Quebec

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Confidentiality of Personal Information (Division III)

An enterprise which has collected Personal Information is mandated to take the necessary measures in order to ensure the safety and the medium in which it has stored the Personal Information. 

Communication to third persons

Under this head, act has made provisions for an enterprise to communicate personal information in the file without the consent of the concerned person to-

  1. His Attorney
  2. Director of Criminal Prosecution, for the purpose of prosecution
  3. A body responsible to the prevention, detection of repression of crime under statutory offences, requires in the performance of his duty 
  4. A person to whom communication must be communicated by reason of urgency of a situation that threatens his life, health and safety
  5. A person authorised to collect the debts 
  6. A person authorised to collect  the information for research, study, statistical purposes

Access of Personal Information by concerned person (Division IV)

At the request of the concerned person, the enterprise has to confirm the existence of the file they hold and communicate to the concerned person any personal information concerning him.

If a person is handicapped then the enterprise must reasonably accommodate such person on request being made by him in order to enable him to exercise the right of access provided under this Division i.e division IV.