Secretariat under GDPR

Article 75 of the GDPR provides that the Board must have a secretariat, which shall be provided  by the European Data Protection Supervisor. The secretariat so formed must perform its task exclusively under the instructions of the chair of the Board.

The staff of the European Data Protection Supervisorinvolved in carrying out the tasks conferred on the Board by GDPR shall be subject to separate reporting lines from the staff involved in carrying out tasks conferred on the European Data Protection Supervisor.  

The Board and the European Data Protection Supervisor must establish and publish a memorandum of Understanding in order to implement the provision under this article, determining the terms of their cooperation, and applicable to the staff of the European Data Protection Supervisor involved in carrying out tasks conferred on the Board under GDPR. The Secretariat must provide analytical, administrative and logical support to the Board. 

Under Article 75 of GDPR the Board must particularly be responsible for the followings-

  1. The day-to-day business of the Board;
  2. Communication between the members of the Board, its chair and commision;
  3. Communication with other institution and the public;
  4. The use of electronic means for the internal and external communication; 
  5. The translation of relevant information;
  6. The preparation of follow-up of the meetings of the Board;
  7. The preparation, drafting and publication of opinions, decisions on the settlement of dispute between supervisory authorities and other texts adopted by the Board.

Confidentiality (Article 76)

Article 76 of the GDPR says that the discussion of the Board must be confidential where the Board deems it necessary, as provided for in its rules of procedure. 

Access to documents submitted to members of the Board, experts and representatives of third parties shall be governed by regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.    

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