Twitter Complies with New IT Rule, 2021

In the matter of Amit Acharya VS. Union Of India, a Writ Petition no. 5626 was filed before the High Court of Delhi raising the question of non-compliance of New IT rules 2021. 

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) said Twitter has acknowledged that the personnel (CCO, Nodal Contact Person and RGO) are appointed as the company’s employees and not as ‘contingent workers’. The Centre has informed the Hon’ble Delhi High Court that Twitter has appointed Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), Resident Grievance Officer (RGO) and Nodal Contact Person in compliance with the new IT Rules.

MEITY, in the short affidavit, said “Twitter has acknowledged that the personnel (CCO, Nodal Contact Person and RGO) are appointed as the company’s employees and not as ‘contingent workers’. Twitter has provided the names of the said appointed personnel and their respective position also. The said Affidavit by Twitter mentions their employment date as 4th August 2021. Twitter has further enclosed their employment contracts along with the said Affidavit as proof of such appointments,” the Ministry said. 

So the newly appointed Resident Grievance officer is “Shri Vinay Prakash” (click here to know more details- earlier Mr Dharmedra Chatur (a lawyer working in a law firm was appointed as an interim Nodal Contact Person and Resident Grievance Officer. However, the name of other officers still seems to be under packed sealed affidavit. 

Prima facie, Twitter has appointed Chief Compliance Officer, Resident Grievance Officer and Nodal Contact Person in Compliance with recently amended IT Rules,” Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma, appearing for the Centre, told The Hon’ble Delhi Court on Tuesday. The Hon’ble court said that Twitter’s Affidavit on its Compliance with IT Rules was “finally on record”.

The IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Ethics Code) Rule, 2021 seek to regulate dissemination and publication of content in cyberspace, including social media platforms and were notified in February by the Central Government. Read our earlier articles and know the past stories –  

The matter is posted for the next hearing on the 5th of October 2021.

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