Data Protection Principles under DPA

There are certain principles upon which this Data Protection Act, 2018 is based upon. As we all know that the Data Protection Act has been enacted to control how personal information of an individual is used by an organization, business or the government. In today’s article we will discuss the principles as below-

  1. Fair Use: this means that the personal data of the individual shall be used fairly. 
  2. Lawfulness: the personal data of an individual must be used for lawful purposes and no other purposes. The processing of personal data may affect the concerned individuals adversely, hence, preserving lawfulness while handling the personal information is an important aspect of the principle of lawfulness.
  3. Transparency: Transparency is the essential criterion while dealing with the personal information of an individual and in order to maintain this keeping the honesty tact is the core guiding principle and these principles can be achieved by observing the obligation of right to be informed. 
  4. Use for specific, explicit purposes: the personal data of an individual must be used for specific and definite purposes. Certainty is the other aspect of data privacy and the Personal Data of an individual for which it is being used must be clear and not vague in nature. The Personal Data of an Individual must be used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what it is necessary for.  
  5. Accuracy: this is another principle which is essential to observe while dealing with the personal data of an individual. The personal Data of an individual must be accurate.
  6. Limitation on Retention: the personal data of an individual must be kept in custody as long as it is essential for the purpose of processing and not longer than that period of retention.

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