Article 18-Right to restriction of processing

Apart from the rights discussed in the previous articles such as Right to Access, Right to Erasure, Right to Rectification, there is another right that can be exercised which is Right to Restriction of Processing. 

Article 18 of the GDPR provides for a data subject to request the data controller to restrict the processing of his or her personal data in the following cases:

  1. When the data subject has objected to the accuracy of the personal data (the data processing shall be restricted till the data is verified)
  2. The processing is unlawful and the data subject opts for restricted processing instead of data erasure
  3. The controller no longer needs the data except for legal purposes (for instance, defending claims)
  4. The data subject has objected to the processing on the grounds that the legitimate grounds of processing are excessive in comparison to the rights of the data subject

Like any other right enshrined in the GDPR, this right too has exceptions. In the public interest, the above points shall not be applicable. 

It is also important to throw some light on how the data processing shall be restricted. The methods shall include making unavailable the selected personal data to users, temporarily removing published data from the website etc.