PIPA-British Columbia, Part-8

General Provisions (Part 12)

S. 54 of the act protects the employees of the organization from dismissal/ suspension/demotion harassment etc. if the organization denies the benefit to the employee because he/she, acting in good faith and on reasonable belief, approached the Commissioner against the Organization for contravening or to contravene under the act.

Picture Credit- https://www.leg.bc.ca

Offences & Penalties (S.56)

Under this section if any organization or person commits an offence of –

  1. using deception or coercion to collect the Personal information
  2. dispose off the personal information in order to avoid the right to request for access
  3. Obstructs the commissioner or any one delegated by him/her in his/her duties or powers
  4. makes false statement or misleads or attempt to mislead the Commissioner
  5. fails to comply with the order passed by the Commissioner

If the commission of above mentioned offences is committed by the Person then the fine is $10,000 and if the Organization commits the same then the fine is $100,000.

Review of Act

The act came into force from 1st January 2004 and S.59 (2) mandates a comprehensive review of the act once in every 6 years by a special committee of the legislative assembly.