PIPA-British Columbia, Part-1

The westernmost Province of Canada i.e. British Columbia is located between the Pacific ocean and Rocky Mountains and has two pieces of legislation when it comes to protect the data of an individual. 

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  1. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
  2. Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA- British Columbia)

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), this covers the right to access and regulates how public bodies manage personal information/records held by the Public Bodies. However, FIPPA has its own limitation which is carved out as an exception to FIPPA and public bodies can not disclose information which are harmful to law enforcement & public safety or personal privacy. FIPPA being a piece of legislation concerning the records held by public bodies hence, we will not discuss this act in detail, only a mere mention suffice the purpose. 

Personal Information Protection Act- British Columbia (hereinafter referred to as PIPA-BC) came into effect on 1st January 2004. It applies to Private sector.


The aim of PIPA-BC is to bring the private sector in compliance with the act and ensure the handling/safety/accessing/correction of the personal data which is under its control/use/ acquisition. 

PIPA-BC, refers to some other following acts as well and refer the same meaning as assigned in those acts and they are-

  1. Meaning of Credit Report/Credit Reporting Agency has the same meaning as provided in Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
  2. Federal act means PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
  3. Trading in security as defined under Securities Act.
  4. Public Body’s definition has referred to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).