Act Respecting The Protection of Personal Information In The Private Sector- Quebec

Decision by the Commission (Division V)

After examining the parties, the Commission has to write a reasoned decision on each disagreement and the copy of the decision to be sent to the parties.

Section 55.1 of this act mandates that the decision must be made by the Commission within 3 months after the matter is taken under advisement. However, the period can be extended by the person chaired the Commission on recording the valid reasons for doing so.

The said decision becomes executory one on expiry of 30 days. The clerical errors (calculations, errors in writing etc.) by the member who passed/made such a decision. These clerical errors may be made by a commission or member’s own initiative but should be made before the commencement of the action. In this situation even a party can initiate the correction on its motion unless the appeal has been lodged. 

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The above mentioned decision becomes executory one same as a judgement of the Superior Court and has the same effect from the date of its homologation by the Superior court. 

The dictionary meaning of Homologation means a grant of approval by an official authority (reference- 

Procedure for Homologation

The Commision or any parties of the decision can file a true copy of the judgement at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of the district where the person affected by a deciscan is domiciled or resides or has business establishment. 

A Decision of Commission to be final 

U/s. 59 of the act makes the Decision of the Commission as final one on a question of Fact coming under its jurisdiction and no appeal lies.