Act Respecting The Protection of Personal Information In The Private Sector- Quebec

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Commission d’accès à l’information is the authority appointed to deal the disputes in case breach of this legislative provision concerning the rectification or access of personal information.

The functions and powers of the commission are provided under this division i.e division V. On account of disagreement for refusal to request or failure to respond within the time limit the aggrieved may approach the commission.  

The party willing to submit the disagreement may apply to the commision upon payment of prescribed fees. The application must briefly state the reason which justified on the part of commision to examine the disagreement. The notice of an application shall be given by the commission to the other party.

On receipt of disagreement application the Commission must entrust a person designated to bring the parties to an agreement. 

If the commission opines that no agreement is possible, the Commission must examine the subject of disagreement as per the procedure of this statute.